zaterdag 21 juni 2008

This Living Hand

This living hand, now warm and capable
Of earnest grasping, would, if it were cold
And in the icy silence of the tomb,
So haunt thy days and chill thy dreaming nights
That thou wouldst wish thine own heart dry of blood
So in my veins red life might stream again,
And thou be conscience-calmed -see here it is-
I hold it towards you.

Tekst: John Keats, "This living hand"

zondag 15 juni 2008

The gold ring and the sea

Father lost his wedding ring in the ocean once. Like all the trawlermen, he'd take it from his finger to put on a neck chain, not to lose the finger as the net went out.
Several tides after that, our aunt, while cleaning some hake, found a gold ring in the belly of one of the fish.
Once she'd washed it off, she examined the letters and numbers engraved inside. Though it couldn't be true, the date and the initials were those of our parents' wedding.
By all appearances, Father himself had caught the hake that had swallowed the ring. In all of the wilde blue sea.

Peaceable summer nights brings the inland wind, and the memories.
I look at the sky, and it dawns that coincidences are the planets with the amplest orbits.
Only every so often have they come round.

The ring's is far too great a coincidence. It would have been lost and found in that same stone sink. But that doesn't matter. What's most important now is this: for years and years, the story of the ring was entirely believable to our small, children's inteligence.

Nights, the ocean has a shimmer of hake.
The stars go leaping around like the scales.
Tekst: Kirmen Uribe, "The gold ring"

woensdag 11 juni 2008


God has no religion

Mahatma Gandhi

vrijdag 6 juni 2008


Als het dan moet, wil ik het liefst
mijn tijd uitzweven in een cockpit

Mijn kist een wieg boven de wolken,
zacht licht onder mijn instrumenten,

steden, sterren binnnen handbereik.
Loom gerommel van motoren.

Slaap met uitzicht in een luchtschip.
Eeuwig vliegen dat ik droom

Gedicht: Ingmar Heytze, "Spookvlucht"